Shannon Amanda Michele Uhrig - Site Memorial Online

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Shannon Uhrig
Nascido emPuerto Rico
20 years
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Dottie Kimble
There is a Jeremy Camp song that reminds me of Shannon so much.  Some of the words are:  "I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see, because this broken road, prepares Your will for me.  I'm broken, but I still see Your face.  You've spoken, pouring Your words of grace."  Shannon was aware of her broken road.  The brokeness of her body never wore down her spirit. Let Shannon be an example to all of us. We may have trials and bumps in our sometimes broken road, but God has a paved street of gold waiting for us someday.  And I am sure Shannon has already taken a stroll down that road without having to stop to catch her breath.  I sure miss eating gummy bears with you, Shannon, and drinking those chocolate mocha lattes!  Love you Birthday Buddy, Dottie  :)  
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